Understand The Mind

Mind guides and dominated human being and, thus he is also known as the man. If so, what is mind? Mind is the fragmented state of consciousness. Soul is the un-fragmented whole consciousness. The cloud of thoughts arises from the mind. We can classify human mind into three types, viz, conscious mind, sub-conscious mind and un-conscious mind. Conscious mind occupies only 10% of total human mind where as sub-conscious and un-conscious mind occupies 90% of total human mind. Sub-conscious and unconscious mind contain different ideas and behaviors of past life and events.

Man can uncover “The Buddha” eternally present within himself, if he can be aware of the mind through meditation. Kabir, one of the great saints of India, states, “No-mind state is the divine state. The achievement of no-mind state is the gain of destination.” Many saints say that if we make our mind mean, our life falls into a canyon of unsuccessfulness. Thus, making mind strong and capable to use it as tool is the ladder of success in human life. However, we must dissolve our mind through meditation in order to reach into a state beyond thoughts and beyond material success. Therefore, we can conclude that this immense power of the mind can and should be mobilized for achieving the acme of success in the material world. Nevertheless, mind must dissolve in order for us to feel the everlasting realm of the spiritual world. This is the real meaning of life. Wandering into the world on thoughts can lead no thinker to the real meaning of life; it shall, but, make him depressed and hopeless, ultimately. Those great people, who dare to plunge from the world of thoughts to the world of thoughtlessness and from the presence of mind to no-mind state, have made their life meaningful and thus, attained the supreme state of Enlightenment.

In conclusion, let us understand our mind, let us know its power and be acquainted with it. Let us revive this profound power of human mind not through enmity and struggle with the mind but with a friendly behavior towards the most prominent device. Let us, now, give birth to an un- fragmented consciousness diplomatically coaxing this existence-less mind. This is the divine achievement of human life. All the other achievements are absurd, useless and trifle if we have not understood the mind.

Negative and positive Thinking

The mind is made of thoughts from which it seems almost impossible to part, even for a single second. Our thoughts shape our lives. Thoughts and the thinking process can be negative or positive. Negative thinking sows the seed of evil or pessimistic thought about others or oneself. Negative thinking drives us towards the hell that we create ourselves, and thus our life falls into a depth of agony. A person dwelling in negative thoughts finds the whole world negative. Mahatma Gandhi states, “If you think the world is all wrong, remember that it contains people like you”. On the other hand, positive thinking is the optimistic and emphatic feeling towards others and oneself .Positive thinking leads us towards the heaven, which again is our own creation, and brims our life with love and blessing from everyone and everything. A person himself overwhelmed with optimism finds the whole world positive and joyful.

The Upanishad states, “Yadrisi Bhawana Yasya Siddirbhawati Tadrisi”. It means we become what we think of and what we think of ourselves. Our inner thoughts can cause us to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, powerful or weak. What we impress upon our mind, we will inevitably become. Napoleon Hill also states, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve”. It is a psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must first impress upon our mind. Thus, we must think positively to become the real human or to acquire human attributes. Relentless, repetitive positive autosuggestion will change our self-image because it circulates conviction through your . Verbal repetition affects our mind; it is up to us-whether we let it affect in either a positive or a negative way.

When we change our values, we change our behavior. Thus, let us start thinking of ourselves as becoming the person we want to be.